I know, I know it's been FOR-EV-ER since the last time I posted! I want to take a moment to thank my "fearless and faithful followers" (All 20 of you!) for sticking with my as I attacked teaching 4th grade for the first time. And boy oh boy was it different from my
So, I have some good news for you all! (Which is part of the reason why I had to take a minute to fill you all in on the latest happenings in the life of Miss Milton). I was offered a new position as the Technology Instructor/Integrationist at my charter school. (The first of its kind!) I am tasked with the responsibility of supervising our existing technology lab, and incorporating units that cover the technology aspects/skills required in the new Common Core State Standards that will be in effect for next school year in CA. Whew! Doesn't sound like much, but when you factor in teaching computer science to 320 Kinder through 6th grade students every day...Let's just say I have some planning to do!!!
Which brings me to...
(Click on the image to learn more about the conference)
ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education) hosts a educational technology conference ( (A professional development conference on steroids) every year. Everyone, who does anything involving educational technology, technology integration, coaching, mentoring, 1:1 programs, administrators, mobile learning, computer science, media specializing, Pk-20 and beyond is probably attending this conference. And today included just the Opening session and one of the Keynote speakers. I've been eyeing this organization and conference for a few years, and with my new position, I had a pretty good chance pleading my "Why I should go to the conference" case to our administrative staff. Well, admin kindly obliged and I am sitting here blogging from San Antonio, Texas hotel room in utter awe of the educational technology possibilities I have learned about and experienced during the opening day of the ISTE Conference.
Needless to say, I will be checking back in with the blogosphere at the end of the conference to share my highlights and takeaways from this awesome conference.
Until then,
Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often!
-Miss Milton