Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Made It

So me and my hot glue gun, my new EK Success Circle Scissors Pro (love this thingy), and all of my other DIY supplies had a pretty nice weekend creating a few classroom necessities for the upcoming school year. I can't get in to my classroom until next week so unfortunately I am collecting a pretty hefty pile of "All Things School Related" in my living room corner!

Thanks again to 4th Grade Frolics for hosting the "Monday Made It" Linky Party...I always look forward to getting ideas for new projects for both home and school. (Who knew I would like being crafty...And it's so much cheaper than buying things ready-made things at all of the big school supply stores!
First, let me show you a few pics of this weekend's "weapons of mass PRODUCTION!"

The Monday Made-It Projects' must-haves:
  1. Circle Cutter (link mentioned earlier in this post)
  2. Cutting board (My little Apple is from Target)
  3. Regular scissors from Dollar Tree
  4. Glue Gun (I bought mine from Target but I just saw them at a 99 Cents Only store)
  5. Popsicle sticks
  6. Clothes pins
  7. Thumb tacks
  8. Picture frames
  9. Lots of colored ink for the printer

Put it all together and vio' la! (How do you spell that?!?!)
So here are my Pinterest inspired Monday Made Its:

These little guys will hold my student work...The thumb tacks are so they can be pushed into the Bungalow walls in my classroom....This idea is inspired from a Monday Made it I saw on Emily's blog at I Love My Classroom...Check out her cool classroom reveal pics too!

These are student numbers that will be used for students to clip their number to a certain place in my room for when they need things like a Writing Conference...Not sure where yet because I haven't seen my new room yet :( The numbers are a duplicate of the same set I wrote about in my Last Monday Made it

And last but not least...Here are a few of the Positive Affirmation picture frames that will be  propped up and/or hung from various areas of the room this year! My goal is to make my room as positive, loving, and family oriented as I can. (Currently singing "Where is the Love" by John Mayor) The frames were from Dollar Tree and the signs came from a blog that I saw like 4 months ago, the posters were free from someone's TPT account I believe...Unfortunately this was before I began blogging and I knew I would only use them in the classroom so I didn't get the source...If anyone knows who's signs these are please let me know and I will cite them (Soooo sorry I don't have the source guys!!)

Well that's all I have for today! Thanks for reading.....Happy Monday everyone,


  1. Thank you for the shout out! Your clothespins came out adorable!

    I Love My Classroom

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! It's great to have you hear and you have been so busy already. I will be back to visit for sure!
    Thinking of Teaching

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog, Charell! Your comment led me here and I'm your newest follower! :) All of your projects turned out TERRIFIC...isn't this a super fun linky?

    Teaching Maddeness

  4. Love my circle cutter, too! Your post reminds me that I need to go frame hunting as well. How much did the Dollar Store want for them?

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. The picture frames were only $1 at Dollar Tree, however, in retrospect I wish I would have bought the ones that have the stand on the back so that the pics can stand up on their own as opposed to being hung on a wall...but I Will make due with these anways!

  5. Love your positive affirmation frames!

    Success in Second Grade
    Don’t forget to check out My Summer in Pictures Linky Party

  6. Voila! Tons of cool things for the classroom! (I was trying to figure out a cute way to answer your question about spelling the word!) I have the circle cutter, too, but I think I'm a moron because I can't get it to cut nice circles!!

    1. oooh haha...I knew something looked funky lol..thanks for the clarification Rhonda! BTW, I spent like a long time trying to figure out how to use it because it doesn't come with directions. Bummer! But the trick is to make sure the grid lines are in the middle of the circle and you have to spin the little measuring thing a few times (before you press down with the cutter part) to make sure yor circle isn't off center...Keep at it and you'll be a pro in no time! I should post some of my trial pics with the circle cutter, they were horrible

  7. Those are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing.

    I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart
